Black Tie Boxing events are highly prestigious and exciting events held in exclusive venues around the globe which uniquely combine a black-tie dinner with a series of boxing matches and various entertainment shows and amusing music live performances. The participants are white-collar workers without boxing experience, which have the unique opportunity to experience a strenuous boxing training program and to fight under safety measurements at an exclusive venue in front of 400+ people.
The Final Fight Night is preceded with three months of boxing training and two introduction events.
Attendees have opportunity to participate in the Final Fight Night after they have passed 3 months of tough boxing training program and are matched with equally skilled opponents.
Black Tie Boxing Events are perfectly matched and exciting social and networking events for celebrating the end of a fiscal year, a closing of a business deal or any other corporate related reason.
If you want to book corporate tickets please contact us at:
The event was simply amazing. It was great to see how motivated all fighters were and how excited the audience was by seeing all these amateur guys giving their best in the ring. I loved to be part of this amazing event and can just recommend everyone to give it a try. The coach and the organizers did a great job. Thank all of you. I will be there next time too.
Victor, Asia Vice President at Bosch